Mission Trip Testimonials
Serving with Son Safaris was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It was a very eye opening, life changing, and incredible experience! I loved every second of it! Fledge was an amazing leader who inspired everyone about God and his beautiful creation around us. When I first signed up I knew I was going to be able to see animals close up but I never imagined that I would be able to touch and hear a Rhinos heartbeat. We did this while helping with anti-poaching efforts. I loved being able to play with and love on all the kids there and build mosquito windows for them. This mission trip is one that I hope everyone gets a chance to do. I know I will definitely be going again!
Jessi Hasler
Absolute trip of a lifetime, in so many different ways being able to serve His children, people, and care for His creation!!! Fledge taught us so much about the African animals that I was able to feel a deep connection with each animal. These animals have a beauty and mentality like none I've ever seen before. We assisted the research team in their conservation efforts for the animals.
I highly recommend this trip to anyone who is considering any sort of abroad mission trip. I would go back in a heart beat!!!
Fowler Perry
Son Safaris is a fantastic ministry that I firmly believe is aligned with the heart of God. During my trip, I had my perspective on global poverty broadened while getting to be a part of communicating to children, who have rarely if ever been told a message of love, that God loves them and that I love them. Also, through Fledge's heart for God's creation and the team of researchers he has partnered with, I gained extremely valuable insight into what it means to care for creation. It was great to get hands on experience helping take care of the majestic creatures of South Africa! Going forward, I'm determined to do what I can to conserve the natural beauty that God has gifted us with. I definitely would recommend to anyone that they experience a trip with Son Safaris at least once, and I will be supporting the ministry financially from here on out.
Chris Copeland
Fledge you and your mission teams have changed the lives of so many people, never stop. Since 2013 I have had the pleasure of Son Safaris donating their time, money and expertise to help conservation and under privileged people from all walks of life. Son Safaris teams lead by Fledge Fiamingo have helped many people to understand what amazing people with or without money can do when they are dedicated and passionate. Fledge and his teams who have visited our operations in both Botswana and South Africa, have given us all a new perspective on life and have show that there are such amazing, caring people out there in the world. No matter where I work, I will also endeavor to get Son Safaris to follow me to my new place of work, they bring such an amazing opportunity for our organizations to help and assist local underprivileged communities through hard work, passion and love... Son Safaris missions to South Africa are a life changing experience for everyone involved and would certainly be a memory that the volunteer on the mission and everyone they meet and help will never forget.
Bradley Schroder - CEO Welgevonden Game Reserve
If you would have asked me a year and a half ago I would have sworn up and down that I would never go to South Africa or out of the country for that matter but over the past couple of years I had friends that went with Fledge and there stories were just so amazing. The fundraising process was really hard for me considering I am a very independent person and do not like to ask anyone for help but Fledge was always encouraging. As soon as we got to the Reserve the day after landing I knew that I was meant to be there. I about jumped out of the van at the first sight of an animal. I enjoyed everything we did in the two weeks we were there. The main conservation project that we did was setting up camera traps in order to track the leopards and it was really cool to ride around the reserve and do that and be able to see how the data from that would help conserve the species. At the children's home we did different projects to improve the facility and were able to play with the kids and their smiles will melt your heart. My favorite thing out of all of it thought was cooking together as a team and sitting around a dinner table in the dark with people from all different countries and talking about God or singing camp fire songs. The trip changed my world view and it also taught me some new things about myself...
Sandra Griffin
I have been to South Africa with Son Safaris twice. Son Safaris website is an encyclopedia of information to help raise money, pack belongings, and prepare expectations. I will happily go with Son Safaris again at my next availability.
Michael Morris
Serving with Son Safaris was a unique and once in a life time experience. You not only learn about the needs of the locals, helping children's homes, but you are also taught about God's creation and the animals that are in Africa. It truly opens your eyes to the wonders and needs of the world and you get the opportunity to partner with their mission and help in projects that last much longer than you. It is all about the big picture and giving the locals what they need, not what we think they need.
Cady Wieck
This was my first International trip and Fledge made it really easy by taking care of all of the travel arrangements and making sure we didn't have to worry about how we were getting anywhere!
Once in South Africa, I enjoyed the chance to participate in International community at the camp we stayed at, have conversations about my faith and see others talk to people about theirs, see prayers answered and meet inspirational people.
I enjoyed my experience with Son Safari's and would recommend it to people interested in traveling abroad, living out their faith and helping others.
Review - “Great non-profits”
This trip was so eye opening and life changing! I spend three weeks with Son Safaris. From planning months in advance through the flight home everything went so smoothly. Fledge's passion for God's creation is so evident in everything that he does. He can make you so excited about the tiniest grass seed! I didn't expect to get so many hands-on opportunities with the wildlife. Being able to help with a rhino anti-poaching team, as well as a game capture for collaring animals was a once in a life time experience. The best part was being able to do all these things with the same love and grace that Christ shows me every day.
Dr. Rachel Deloatch D.V.M.
I have known Fledge for many years. His work with Son Safaris changes lives. I know because my daughter recently traveled to South Africa with a team of college students. She came back a different person. For parents who may be hesitant to allow their kids to go to South Africa with Fledge, you have nothing to worry about. Fledge's experience, leadership skills, and common sense is exemplary. I would not allow my daughter to go on the trip if I did not have complete confidence in Fledge. My prayer each day she was gone was that God would use her and the team to reach others. That is exactly what happened. It was inspiring to see how God work in raising the funds to go to South Africa, and in using Gracie and the rest of the team as they served the people there.
Mike Thompson
Mission trips are life-changing experiences not only for the ones going on the trip but also for those awaiting their arrival and for those who stay behind. Our family has had the opportunity to be the ones going and the ones left behind and have allowed the Lord to use these experiences to stretch our faith.
Our daughter, JoHannah (JoJo) Biang, returned from a two week mission trip to South Africa with Fledge Fiamingo from Son Safaris. His love for the South African people is truly evident in all aspects. From working with children's homes, building bomas, hand mixing concrete, cooking over an open fire, leading safaris to hearing the excitement in his voice as the team experiences Africa. WhatsApp is a great way to experience the trip through their eyes. I loved being able to hear and see the day's events through texts, video clips, and photos.
Thank you Fledge for your watch care over the team and for keeping us so well informed. We felt as though we were there with you as you shared your love for the people of South Africa. Matthew 9:36-38 We are His hands and feet.
Kristie Biang
I have traveled to Africa with Fledge through Son Safaris not once but twice to serve the people there. Both trips were unique, uplifting, and as safe as any mission trip that I have been on! I have been on multiple mission trips besides these with several different mission organizations and Son Safaris by far ranks at the top of my list! Son Safaris is a very professional mission organization that allows you to experience local culture, work to conserve the environment, and most importantly share the love of Christ with the local people.
I will use no other organization than Son Safaris as my avenue to serve in South Africa. I will definitely be returning with Son Safaris in the near future. As a Resident Director for Johnson University I plan to encourage my students to serve in South Africa with me through this great mission of Son Safaris. I also have children of my own and hope that the opportunity will present itself for us as a family to serve through Son Safaris.
Weldon Davis
I thought my life would change after we landed in South Africa…and it did. I met loving, wonderful people who softened my heart. I saw insanely big giraffes and scarily small scorpions. I watched a house go up and a life change forever. I got to get up everyday and have my life changed by eight amazing faces that loved and encouraged me.
But I didn’t think my life would change before I left. The whole planning process—from “I want to go to South Africa” to “How in the world am I going to raise $4000”— changed my life. It was humbling to dial each phone call and nervously ask, “Would you be willing to take a leap of faith with me?” That’s where my heart was worked on in a different way. Raising the money wasn’t the obstacle. My small faith was. So if the cost scares you, you’re not alone. It terrified me, but I serve a God that is bigger than my fear…and my $4000 goal.
Gracie Thompson
I was a cabin mom at North Georgia Christian Camp over the summer, and Fledge happened to be speaking the week that I was there. I can’t begin to describe the kind of work Christ is doing through this man. His messages were entertaining, so compelling, and challenging to the teens and adults. His story is heartrending and he is such a fantastic storyteller. Kids were talking all week long about how he helped them understand truths that they hadn’t understood before. Not only is he a phenomenal speaker, but he jumped right in with the kids! He laughed, played, and poured into the kids all week long like he was one of the cabin dads. It was the coolest. His passion for others and for these kids is obvious. He truly leads by example. You need to invite him for your event. He works not for man, but for the Lord and it shows.
Savannah - North GA Christian Camp
Son Safaris was by far the best decision I have made in a very long time. After going on this trip I truly feel like a changed person I feel better as a whole. The entire experience was very well organized and planned out. There was never once where there is any type of fumble or confusion. Our meals were all planned out to the T. And our schedules were very tightly organized to include a little bit of everything on a daily basis.
We were able to have such exclusive one-on-one time with the animals. We were able to go on many safaris which was just a huge benefit to our overall goal. We got to have fun while working at the children's home. Every day was an adventure and we never had a down time. Each day we learn something new and two weeks went by far too quickly. I highly suggest this to anyone wanting to go on any type of mission trip because this is not strictly a religious trip you do a lot of humanitarian work and work with animals. And you get to stay on a game reserve and wake up every morning to see zebras right out of your front door. Before I left I was nervous that I would feel unsafe but this entire trip I felt more safe there than I do at home.
Team Member
I signed up for this trip somewhat reluctantly, but agreed because I was sure it was where God was calling me. I was nervous about the daunting task of raising the money, but I haven't regretted it for a second and would LOVE to go back. It was so incredible to see God's provision at work through the generosity of the Body during the fundraising process and Fledge constantly made himself available to answer questions and encourage. He is a gifted leader with a heart and passion for sharing the true wonder of God's creation and he genuinely loves people with the love of Christ. I have never been so completely overwhelmed with the delight of God's majesty as I was on safari, nor more excited to be His hands and feet than when I was working. I could go on, but suffice it to say that this was a life changing experience and Son Safaris is doing fantastic work for the kingdom! They are worth every second of time, every moment of prayer, and every cent you can spare. 10/10 would recommend to anyone who is ready for God to rock their socks.
Emily Kerr
My girls are going back! My girls went to South Africa with Fledge. May I say it was against what I thought was my better judgement? But their judgement was better than mine and those two weeks in South Africa were an incredible experience. My photographer daughter would have gone for the animals alone, and my mission-oriented daughter threw herself into helping the children and building homes. They were safe and well-cared for and wanted to go again.
This time, my son and I joined them.
It truly is a life-changing event. So unreal to know that a plane ride away from Atlanta there is an entirely separate and well-formed culture. Absolutely everything is different there, from the electrical current to the food, and the rhythm is set by sunrise and sunset – put your watch away.
Safety was never an issue, and no two days were the same. It was by far the most amazing week of my life. I am so grateful to have had this experience, and as a parent, would not hesitate to recommend the trip for offspring of all ages. They will come back to you wiser and inspired.
Alice Adams
This mission trip with Son Safaris was the best 2 weeks I have ever had. This trip was such a great learning experience for me, not just about the wonderful animals I got to see but also with my faith. I grew in my faith so much on this trip that it made this experience so much more memorable. Fledge has an amazing ministry and I pray that many more people will get to embark on that journey to see God’s creation like I got the chance to. I would go back again in a heartbeat!
Saschea-Nykhol Harrison
What makes Son Safaris uniquely different from other missions is that it is a "thinking outside of the box" mission where you get to stay on a reserve, so you get to go on game drives with the rangers. Fledge Fiamingo, the heart behind Son Safaris, is a safari ranger in South Africa. Fledge has a very special relationship with the reserve and the people on the reserve where you stay so immediately you feel right at home. He uses his love of Christ and his love of being a safari ranger and combines them into an amazing experience where you serve others and experience God's creation.
Review - “Great non-profits”
Our Highlight for the year is when Son Safaris comes to serve. We met Fledge Fiamingo in 2015 and what a privilege it is to know a man with such a passion for God's creation and the love for people, Fledge is loved by everyone wherever he goes.
I'm the Property Manager at ‘The Fold Children's Home’ where Son Safaris serves every year and I can say with honesty that it’s a real blessing to have Son Safaris here. They really do make a huge difference in all aspects whether it is assisting with projects or just playing with the children. We want to thank Son Safaris for everything they have done and still doing.
Philip & Retha Du Plessis
I got to know Fledge through serving him coffee daily at Starbucks! I found out I was pregnant 4 weeks prior to the trip, and was scared to go. But Fledge and the team were the kindest, most accommodating people to me and made me feel at home! The trip was both informative and life-changing, and Fledge's love for God shines so brightly through his passion for God's creation. I would absolutely recommend anyone, go with Fledge and his team.
Melissa Puckett
Son Safaris does fantastic work! The work they do in South Africa greatly benefits those they encounter. It also benefits the people that go on their trips. As a campus minister, I have been thrilled to see the transformation in my students that have gone with Fledge. They come back more aware of the world around them and hungry to serve God by loving the people they encounter.
Donnie Holliday
Son Safaris is an organization run by the most loving people I have ever met. They live for the cause and it is so inspiring to be around them. The trip not only opens your perspective of South Africa and its people and nature, it also give you food for thought for personal development. I would recommend Son Safaris to anyone who is committed or curious about Christ and creation.
Cecile Floe - Denmark
I had the pleasure of being a member of a mission team over the summer. 2 weeks in South Africa, what an amazing trip! We did so many different things, and all the people on our team found roles in which their talents really shined. I really hope I get the chance to go on a mission with them again sometime soon.
Roel Salinas
Recently Son Safaris brought a group of college students to our children's home. They spent 5 days doing back breaking labor and playing with our children. They were an awesome group of people, who loved on our children and worked hard on some projects we needed done. We would welcome this organization any time in the future.
Micky Prince - The Fold Children’s Home
I just came back from a trip with Son Safaris. This is an amazing Christian non-profit. We as team members had the unique opportunity to work on conservation projects on a game reserve as well as help at children's homes. We were able to show Christ's love in so many unique ways. Fledge is so good at making you feel safe and as prepared as possible. I loved every minute of it and can't wait to go back.
JoHannah Biang
My experience with Son Safaris changed my life! The opportunity to serve my creator in South Africa is one that I'll never forget and one that everyone should experience. Fledge's love for God's creation is unparalleled and his passion for sharing it with other people is truly inspiring. South Africa and its people will always have a special place in my heart.
Merritt Brock
I really don't think I could write enough about my experience with Son Safaris. Fledge Fiamingo, the trip's leader, was with me every step of the way as I prepared to go. He kept me updated with all the information I needed and was always ready to talk if I needed any support. He even talked to my parents, reassuring them after I came home and declared that I wanted to go on a mission trip halfway around the world. Seeing the funds and plans for the trip come together was amazing, but it didn't even compare to what happened once I got to South Africa.
Seeing the team come together was simply unbelievable. Ten people from around the country, all built great relationships on the common ground of their love for Jesus and their belief in service. I know that I left a big part of my heart with the children there. Just as amazing was the conservation work we got to participate in. By assisting with collaring antelope and microchipping a rhino, we got to be part of what will hopefully be a solution to poaching crisis in South Africa. Stewarding God's creation is an incredible part of mission work, and getting so close to some of the most awesome creatures in the world is something that I will never forget.
Going on this trip is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I learned so much about Christlike service. Honestly, it's not possible to have an experience like this and come back unchanged.
Nathan Rhineheimer
First of all, let us say THANK YOU for giving yourself for some college students from the University of Georgia to experience the trip of a lifetime. What an amazing journey for 8 college students plus a spirit-filled leader who loves the Lord and gives so much of his time and energy so that college students can experience a ministry led mission opportunity.
At first, we were nervous and skeptical but the more we learned about Fledge and the Son Safaris organization, the more comfortable we became. Sending your child to a foreign country on another continent is quite overwhelming and scary. We were concerned about their safety, diseases, etc. Fledge answered every question, however silly, and gave us a comfort level that we needed that he was going to take care of our kids. AND HE DID! We trusted Fledge wholeheartedly and would be glad to send our child with him again wherever he wanted to go.
Fledge has a special burden and love for his home country of South Africa and we can see how the kids became so attached as well. Our son has not stopped talking about his experience and sharing his stories-even some of the special foods he encountered. He especially loved the children, and he said he hopes not to see a shovel again for the next five years. It was definitely HARD work, but very rewarding. Fledge kept our families (Team Loved Ones) informed of the group's daily activities and every day, we received audios and/or videos from the team. He was sure to include all the team members throughout the duration of the trip. We loved seeing and hearing from the group and how they were blessed and being a blessing to those they were there to serve.THANKS AGAIN Fledge for everything you did to make this trip happen for our kids!
Renee & Eddie Herring
This was my first international mission trip (first time on a plane, actually). I could not have imagined going with a better leader. Not once on this trip did I, or any of my teammates, feel unsafe or unclear of daily expectations. Being neglected, or misinformed just isn’t part of the equation with Son Safaris. We worked hard, but all of this work was for beautiful, Christ-centered purposes. Our work included conservation projects at our reserve, visiting children's homes to spend time with the kids, and building a home for a children's home staff member.
There's plenty of manual labor, but there's work for everybody of all skill levels and interests.
Equally part of the trip, as the Safari in Son Safaris suggests, was taking game drives on the reserve, observing so much of the wonder God has created and animals I did not even know existed.
As a college student who has had very little mission experience, I had a great feeling about traveling with Fledge from the beginning, and that was not in vain. His ability to keep us encouraged and informed is second to none. I gained perspective on this trip that will guide me for the rest of my life. Seeing God’s love halfway around the world in the faces of people in heart breaking conditions will change you. If you, or a child are considering international missions, do yourself a favor and give Son Safaris a serious look.
Sean Carter
Son Safaris is a Christ-centered mission where you get to not only experience the amazing wildlife in South Africa by staying on a reserve but you get to witness the love for children.
What makes Son Safaris uniquely different from other missions is that it is a "thinking outside of the box" mission where you get to stay on a reserve, so you get to go on game drives with the rangers. Fledge Fiamingo, the heart and brains behind Son Safaris, and is a safari ranger in South Africa. Fledge has a very special relationship with the reserve and the people on the reserve where you stay so immediately you feel right at home. He uses his love of Christ and his love of being a safari ranger and combines them into an amazing experience where you serve others and experience God's creation in South Africa.
I would definitely recommend Son Safaris to anyone looking to volunteer for a non-profit.
Team Member