As a Christian inspirational speaker all over the US since 2003, Fledge parallels the exciting experiences of being on safari in Africa with having a relationship with Christ. Fledge’s extensive knowledge of African wildlife combined with God’s Holy Word is what makes Fledge an incredible communicator and his perspective of Tracking the Lion of Judah fabulously unique.
Through speaking at live events, writing encouraging devotionals, recording inspirational podcasts, and hosting creation care mission trips to South Africa, Fledge shares exciting wildlife stories and experiences which act as a lens to focus on timeless biblical truth. Fledge shares his two passions: God and His creation.
Have Fledge speak at your next event.
Youth Camps,
& Conferences
Bible School
& Dinners
& Fireside Devotions
College Ministry Retreats
& Conferences
Home School
& Classrooms
What People Are Saying
“"Fledge kicked off our retreat weekend with a contagious enthusiasm! Students and professionals alike were riveted by his powerful storytelling. I was so impressed with the way he seamlessly wove his experiences in Africa with lessons from his walk with Christ.”
Dr. Lauren Charles-Spears D.V.M. Christian Veterinary Mission
“Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn.” Fledge definitely qualifies as one of these folks! ”
Alyssa Anderson, University of Georgia
“Fledge has been invited to speak at our organization’s events on three occasions. Our college students specifically asked for them to visit again!”
Curtiss Gibbs - Christian Veterinary Mission
“I really cannot speak highly enough of him! We are inviting him to come back next year, as well as to come to our church Sunday school. The best part was his ability to bring all of the incredible pictures and sounds back to our awesome creator: God. He was a blessing to our school this year.”
Katie Ryan, Athens First UMC